
About Us

Tommy Is  .

Welcome to Cappella, where we use the latest in AI and machine learning technology to create innovative sound analysis software solutions. Our flagship product is designed specifically to alleviate the two biggest challenges of new parenthood: lack of sleep and worry about your baby’s wellbeing. 

With our groundbreaking AI-powered baby cry translator, we accurately understand your baby’s needs and use AI-generated sounds to soothe your little one without requiring your constant attention. Trust Cappella to help you and your baby rest easy.

About Cappella

Passionate About Care

Behind Cappella, a team of caring engineers is developing disruptive technologies to improve people’s emotional and physical well-being worldwide.

Because we can no longer accept that parenting is done using 20th-century methods.

Our technology provides reassurance and peace of mind to millions of caregivers so they can take care of themselves and return to work after having a baby.

About Cappella

Passionate About Sound

Our team has great experience in sound technology and is ready to implement a radical shift in how we parent.

So much information is captured in babies’ cries, and deciphering its meaning is long overdue.